Slovenčina pre cudzincov

Slovenčina pre cudzincov – Slovak for foreigners

In this article you will find some Slovak phrases that you can use in everyday situations.

Prosím si program

A programme, please.

Chcel by som si dať ostrihať vlasy

I would like to have my hair cut.

Dobre, príďte zajtra ráno.

All right, come tomorrow morning.

Hľadám si prácu.

I am looking for a job.

Prajete si?

What will you have, madam ?

Pán policajt, pomôžte mi, prosím.

Help me, please, officer.

Kde je najbližšia nemocnica?

Where is the nearest hospital?

Podpíšte sa tu, prosím.

Please sign here, please.

Prepáčte, nepoznám toto mesto.

Excuse me, I don´t know this town.

Stôl pre dvoch, prosím.

A table for two, please.

Chcel by som si prenajať auto.

I would like to hire a car.

Koľko batožiny si môžem zobrať?

How much baggage can I take?

If you want to learn more just have a look at my website  and contact me, then you can start to study Slovak language.

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