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Obchody a služby, Vzdelávanie, , ,

slovak for foreigners

Slovak  for foreigners, Pronunciation guide, lesson 4 Soft spelling rule                                                          Before e,í  and i you usually pronounce d, t, n, l as soft ď, ť, ň, ľ. In othe words the soft sign is omitted in the spelling : ď    dedina, sedem, vidím                             ť     otec, deti, tisíc             ň     nemá, nič Voiced and  voiceless sounds In each of these pairs the first consonant letter is normally voiced in pronunciation(with humming vocal chords) the second is its nearest voiceless equivalent. b-p, d-t, ď-ť, g-k, h-ch, v-f, z-s, ž-š, dz-c, dž- č

Vzdelávanie, , ,

Slovak for foreigners

Slovak for foreigners Slovak lessons:  pronunciation guide  volume 2 Dipthong  ô                                        is spelt ô, ha brief u gliding into o ô like stôl, skôr                                     ou, au,eu these sequences are not conventionally analysed as  diphtongs. The are pronounces as the first vowel followed by  an English „w “ sound ou  rukou, malou au  auto, august     eu  európsky, euro Consonants K, p, t are similar to their English counterparts. For example kilo, ruka, kúpil, ten, to, talent Ch is like Ch in the Scottish pronunciation of the word loch. Chlap, chyba, ucho R

Vzdelávanie, ,

How to learn Slovak ?

Ten tips for studying Slovak language   To Slovakia comes more and more people and I would like to help them with learning Slovak, so here are some tips for you. A lot of things you can find on website slovake.eu or other sites that you can find via google. You can buy some bilingual books and read them. If you find Slovak film with subtitles, that is really good way how to learn Slovak. Use youtube for learning Slovak. With some textbooks you have CDs with speeches in Slovak. Find good