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Autor regehik

Obchody a služby, Vzdelávanie, , ,

slovak for foreigners

Slovak  for foreigners, Pronunciation guide, lesson 4 Soft spelling rule                                                          Before e,í  and i you usually pronounce d, t, n, l as soft ď, ť, ň, ľ. In othe words the soft sign is omitted in the spelling : ď    dedina, sedem, vidím                             ť     otec, deti, tisíc             ň     nemá, nič Voiced and  voiceless sounds In each of these pairs the first consonant letter is normally voiced in pronunciation(with humming vocal chords) the second is its nearest voiceless equivalent. b-p, d-t, ď-ť, g-k, h-ch, v-f, z-s, ž-š, dz-c, dž- č