Slovak lessons

Telling the  time – Určovanie času

In this article I will explain you  how to tell the time in Slovak language, everything will be in English and Slovak so you will understand easily.

What time is it ?              Koľko je hodín ?

At what time ?               O koľkej hodine ?

When we reffering to full time only we can say :

It´s one.                            Je jedna.

It´s ten                             Je desať.

When reffering to hours as well as minutes we can say.

Je tri desať.                        It is ten past three.

Je päť dvadsať.                 It is twenty past five.

But standard responses are usually as follows :

What time is it ?                   At what time ?

Koľko je hodín ?                   O koľkej hodine ?

Je jedna hodina.                   O jednej hodine.

Sú dve hodiny.                      O druhej hodine.

Sú štyri hodiny.                    O štvrtej hodine.

  1. m or p.m . – ráno alebo poobede

3 a. m.                              tri hodiny ráno/ v noci

3 p. m.                              tri hodiny poobede

When reffering to a half hour, time is expressed in the following way :

Je pol tretej.                 It is half past two.

O pol tretej.                   At half past two.

When reffering  to quarter hoour, time is expressed in the following way.

It is quarte past two.           Je štvrť na tri.

At quarter to ten.                O trištvrte na desať.

If you want to know more from the Slovak language just have a look at my website and contact me.



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